At Madisonville Health and Rehab, we take pride in witnessing the remarkable journeys of our residents towards recovery. Mary’s story is a shining example of the transformative impact our dedicated therapists make in crafting personalized rehabilitation programs tailored to each resident’s unique needs.

Patient Background: Pelvic Fracture and Fall

Mary’s journey began after falling at home, resulting in a pelvic fracture. She lived with her son and daughter-in-law before being admitted to the hospital. The subsequent transfer to Madisonville Health and Rehab marked the beginning of her path to recovery.


Plan of Care and Recovery Timeline

Upon admission to Madisonville Health and Rehab, Mary faced many limitations. She was only able to ambulate 5 feet with a walker, requiring maximum assistance. Her transfer and bed mobility were also at maximal assistance, with moderate assistance needed for ADL performance.

Our dedicated team of Physical and Occupational therapists evaluated Mary. They made a plan with goals for her to reach before going home.

Physical Therapy Goals

Mary’s Physical Therapy (PT) goals were centered around achieving independence in ambulation for household distances, improving balance and transferring independently while improving safety awareness.

Occupational Therapy Goals

The Occupational Therapy (OT) goals were focused on her independence and Activities of Daily Life (ADLs). This includes showering, using the toilet, dressing, walking, moving in bed and more. They also wanted to improve her arm strength.

Recovery and Improvement

Dedicated therapeutic interventions resulted in significant progress for Mary. She achieved independence in ambulation around the facility with a rolling walker, transferred independently and demonstrated self-reliance in ADLs and self-care.


Mary’s journey concluded with a triumphant return home, facilitated by strong family support and ongoing Home Health Services. Her successful rehabilitation not only restored her physical abilities but also highlighted the importance of personalized care and collaborative efforts


Mary’s success story reflects the commitment of our therapists at Madisonville Health and Rehab to empower residents in their journey towards recovery. These achievements are a testament to the effectiveness of tailored rehabilitation programs and dedicated staff.

Each success reminds us of two things. Personalized care can change lives. And the human spirit is resilient.